Cereals That Contain No Rice or Corn
On a cold morning, a steaming bowl of hot oatmeal is a good choice for a diet free of rice and corn. Choose plain, rolled or steel-cut oats, as flavored and instant varieties may contain corn-based sweeteners and flavorings. Prepare with water or milk, and serve with brown sugar, pure maple syrup or berries.
Other Hot Cereals
Other hot cereal options that contain no rice or corn include plain cream of wheat, hot quinoa cereal and buckwheat groats. Again, look for plain varieties that include only wheat, quinoa or buckwheat. These grains each offer a unique taste and plenty of fiber and protein.
Shredded and Puffed Wheat
Shredded or puffed wheat cereals often do not contain any corn. Several organic brands, such as Barbara's and Arrowhead Mills, offer shredded or puffed wheat cereals made from 100% wheat. Avoid sweetened cereals, which may contain high-fructose corn syrup.
Make your own granola from oats, nuts and honey for a crunchy breakfast treat. For packaged granola, check ingredients to avoid corn flakes or corn or rice based sweeteners. Instead, choose a product sweetened with honey or cane syrup. Arrowhead Mills offers several varieties of acceptable granola.