Contents of a Balanced Diet
Whole grains are a healthy part of any diet. Grains are extremely important to a well-balanced diet because they give you energy. There are two subgroups of grains: refined grains and whole grains. Whole grains are most recommended. Aside from having the most nutritional value, they are also full of fiber, which keeps you full much longer. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends at least 3 oz of whole grains each day.
A variety of vegetables should be eaten every day. We all know that we should eat our vegetables, but very few of us actually get enough into our diets. It's recommended that we eat 2 to 3 cups of a variety of vegetables each day. Emphasis should be put on dark green vegetables. Vegetables help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease as well as several types of cancer.
Fruits are delicious and good for you, but go easy on fruit juices. Fruits can be delicious and will oftentimes satisfy a sweet tooth. A variety of fruits is recommended. Keeping a bowl of fruit on the dining table can give you something to eat on the run. Fruit in any form is good for you as long as there is no added sugar. An adult man needs about 2 cups of fruit per day. A woman should eat about 1/2 cup less.
Milk is full of protein and is a great source of calcium. Calcium and vitamin D are the best nutritional benefits of milk and products made from milk, such as yogurt and cheese. Milk is great for bone mass and preventing osteoporosis Three cups of milk or milk products are recommended for men, women and children per day. Low-fat or fat-free choices are the most recommended.
Meat and Beans
Beans are a great source of protein for vegetarians and meat eaters alike. The protein group, which includes meat, fish, poultry, dry beans, seeds, nuts and eggs, is the fifth category of the nutritional food groups laid out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Lean sources, especially poultry and fish, are usually good choices. The daily recommendation of protein for adults is 5 to 6 1/2 oz.
Oils and Fats
Oils, used sparingly, are a part of a balanced diet. Fats and oils, while they should be used sparingly, are part of a nutritious diet. Oils are essential for the absorption of some nutrients. Choose healthier ones like olive oil or canola oil. Avoid the trans fats as much as possible. Good fats are found in nuts, olives, avocados and some fish. The recommendation for oils is 5 to 7 teaspoons per day.