Caloric Requirement for Runners
Base Calorie Consumption
Determine your standard rate of caloric consumption before factoring in any additional exercise. To do so, women between the ages of 18 and 30 should multiply their weight by 14.7 and add 496. Men should multiply their weight by 15.3 and add 679. Caloric consumption is generally lower for those over 30. Women should multiply their weight by 8.7 and add 829. Men should multiply their weight by 11.6 and add 879.
Calorie Consumption for Your Lifestyle
Your lifestyle determines your caloric needs. Multiply your base caloric by 1.4 for a sedentary lifestyle, 1.7 for a moderate one, and 2.0 for those with very active lives. Examples of very active lifestyles include those working in physically rigorous jobs such as manual labor or farming, Moderate lifestyles are those, for example, with desk jobs, but who exercise daily.
Include Running Calories
A 10-minute run burns 600 calories. As a rule of thumb, start with 600 calories per hour and add 100 calories per hour if you run faster than 10-minute miles.