Carbs Vs. Fat Grams
Complex carbohydrates provide a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Aim to get carbs from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid refined flour and sugars, as these carbs can cause problems with insulin balance in the body.
Two types of fats, mono- and poly-unsaturated, provide benefits for health and well-being. Saturated and trans fats lack these benefits and can in fact cause harm. Trans fats are especially problematic and should be avoided. Healthy fats come from nuts, plant oils and fatty fish.
Grams of Carbs and Fat
Typically, people should consume more grams of carbohydrates than of fats, simply because fats are more calorically dense. A gram of fat contains approximately nine calories, while a gram of carbohydrates contains four calories. Consumption of both macronutrients should be balanced calorically rather than by grams.