How Much Protein is Recommended?
Ten percent to 35 percent of caloric intake should come from proteins, according to the National Institutes of Heath. Children 13 and younger should consume 13 to 39 grams of protein a day, with the smallest amount being the RDA for ages 1 and 2. Females age 14 and older need 46 grams. Teen boys should consume 52 grams of protein daily; men 19 and older need 56 grams.
Protein makes up 15 percent of your body weight, according to the National Institutes of Health. It is essential for muscle development and cell functions, such as toxin breakdown.
Complete proteins, such as milk, meat and fish, contain all of the essential amino acids. Incomplete proteins, such as rice and beans, contain different amino acids. When incomplete proteins that complement each other are consumed within the same day, the body gets all of the essential amino acids.