Which Fruits Are High in Pectin?
A complex carbohydrate, pectin is a water-soluble fiber that helps bind a plant's cell walls together. Commercial food production uses of pectin include thickening the texture of drinks, providing the desired consistency of jams and jellies and preventing milk proteins from curdling. A 2007 University of Buffalo study found that consuming foods with high pectin levels made subjects feel fuller for a longer period of time.-
Apples have the highest pectin levels of all fruits, with the Jonagold variety measuring the highest. Apple pectin is a soluble, indigestible fiber that aids in intestinal health and regulation, as well as lowering cholesterol levels. Low in calories, apples also contain antioxidants that help protect the body from harm, including the damage caused by eating a high-fat diet. Peaches, apricots, plums and currants also contain the same type of pectin found in apples.
All citrus fruits contain relatively high pectin levels, with the tangerine ranking the highest. Oranges and grapefruits also have large amounts of pectin, as do lemons and limes. For easier digestion, you can purchase modified citrus pectin. As reported on the American Cancer Society's website, several animal and uncontrolled human studies have demonstrated that ingesting citrus pectin extracts in the form of capsules or powders may potentially hinder the spread of certain cancers.
Popular in jams and jellies, all berries contain high levels of pectin, which helps in the gelling process required for making these toppings. Grapes, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blueberries represent some of the most popular berries used in jams and jellies. In addition to offering the filling qualities of pectin, eating whole berries provides you with a low-calorie diet food high in essential nutrients like vitamin C and manganese.