List of Nutrient Lacking Foods
Refined Sugar
According to the National Institutes of health, consuming refined sugars provides plenty of calories. The calories in these foods, however, are regarded as so-called "empty calories" because they do not contain fiber, vitamins or minerals. Examples of refined sugars include candy, soft drinks, fruit juices from concentrate and other drinks that contain added sugar.
Condiments like pancake syrup and some types of ketchup are full of refined sugar that add calories and lack nutrients. Even honey, which some people consider a healthy form of sugar, actually contains more calories than sugar. If you consume these nutrient lacking foods you may gain weight without the benefit of taking in nutrients.
Refined Flour
White flour and white rice are examples of refined foods that lack essential nutrients, including B vitamins. The wholesome fiber has been removed, and along with it, many of the vitamins found in the whole version of these grains. Some refined foods may have vitamins added. While this is better than no vitamins at all, it's still considered healthier to eat whole grains in their original form.
High Fat Foods
Junk foods, which are generally high in fat and often highly processed, are perfect examples of foods that lack nutrients and should be avoided. Fried chicken, pizza, donuts and French fries are loaded with fat, which provides empty calories. In the body, fats are converted to fatty acids, which travel through the lymphatic system. While we do need a certain amount of fat in our diets, a diet that contains too much fat can compromise the immune system and lead to a variety of diseases, as well as weight gain. It's also worth noting that empty calories from foods lacking nutrients can actually make you crave more sugary and high fat foods, perpetuating the cycle of bad eating.
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcohol, made through fermentation of starches or sugars, contains about seven calories per gram. The calories in alcohol are empty because they provide no vitamins, fiber or minerals. A glass of wine and a shot of hard liquor have similar alcohol content and calories. Hard liquor, such as whiskey, has a higher alcohol percentage and--therefore--more calories.