What Foods Should Teens Eat to Gain Weight
Protein provides the "building blocks" of muscle and is arguably the most important macronutrient to eat when you're trying to gain weight. Aim to eat around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight every single day. Choose lean sources of protein like chicken, turkey, beef, fish and skim milk. Cook four to five chicken breasts at a time, so you have them on hand and ready to eat, and buys lots of cans of tuna every time you go grocery shopping. This will help you satisfy your daily protein needs. Drink one to two protein shakes every day, as well.
Carbohydrates are also very important for teens looking to gain weight. You need to choose the right types of carbs, though. Stuffing your face with white bread, pasta and sugary sodas and desserts will lead to weight gain in the form of fat. If you want to gain lean muscle, stick to healthy, whole grain sources of carbs like whole wheat bread, bagels and muffins; brown rice; whole wheat pasta, quinoa and oatmeal. These whole grain foods are high in fiber, which helps to keep your digestive system normal and supplies your body with a steady stream of nutrients. Also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables---aim for five to nine servings every day of fruits and veggies like avocados, sweet potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, apples, berries and watermelon.
Similar to protein and carbohydrates, teens looking to gain weight need to choose the right types of fats, because foods high in saturated and trans fats are unhealthy and can lead to a variety of health problems. Choose foods that are high in heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, such as fish, olive oil and nuts.
Most drinks contain "empty" calories, which means they're devoid of any nutritional benefits. Limit your drink consumption to water, milk and protein shakes if you're trying to gain weight.