FDA Whole Grain Regulations
Label Statement
According to the FDA, manufacturers must present factual statements on all labels of whole grains products. The label must accurately state the amount of whole grain in the product. For example, if the label states 100 percent whole grain, no other ingredients can be in the product. The label can also present a specific percentage such as 20 grams of whole grains along with the other ingredients. Labels cannot present vague information about the whole grains used. For example, the label cannot state, "Provides and excellent source of whole grains." Specific wording on the label is important. For example, whole grain flour is not the same as wheat flour. Wheat flour has been processed to remove bran and germ and is therefore not a whole grain product, while whole grain flour does contain all parts of the grain.
Health Claims
Manufacturers of whole grain products are permitted to state general health benefits such as, whole grain reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and that whole grain reduces the risk of some cancers. These statements are based on scientific evidence provided and reviewed by the FDA. Unproven claims are not permitted such as, "Whole grains cure cancer." Scientific evidence has not shown that whole grains cure cancer so the only accurate statement that can be made is that it has proven to reduce the risk of cancer.
Pearling and Rolling
Grains such as barley and oats have different considerations for the term whole grain. The hull of barley is tough and inedible and is difficult to remove from the grain. A process called pearling is often used where the outer layer of barley is removed with an abrasive and this does remove some of the bran. Pearled barley is not considered whole grain. If the barley is actually de-hulled, it is considered a whole grain because only the inedible outer layer is removed. Oats that are rolled are considered whole grain because the process does not remove grain components such as bran, germ, and endosperm. Rolling oats is simply a process to flatten the grain.
Dietary Recommendations
The "Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005" was created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The guidelines recommend three or more servings of whole grains each day as well as grains derived from whole-grain products.