Low-Protein Diet Precautions
Protein Deficiency
Protein deficiency can cause the body to take necessary amino acids, or building blocks of protein, from muscle tissue and other body areas. This creates a catabolic effect and can cause muscle weakness and muscle loss. Protein is also an important factor in the body's ability to balance calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which is important for bone health. Anyone on a low protein diet needs to check these levels carefully, and take supplements if necessary. Iron is another important mineral that may be lacking in a low-protein diet. Iron deficiency anemia is common in those not getting enough protein in their diets. Malnutrition is also a consideration.
Complex Carbohydrates
Following a low-protein diet may mean getting some of your protein from complex carbohydrates as well as animal proteins. While complex carbohydrates do contain a certain amount of protein, this is not as bio available as more traditional sources. It is important to get at least 0.6 g of protein per kilogram of body weight a day. This equals around 40 g to 50 g for most of us. Many grains and cereals contain around 2 g of protein per half cup, while vegetables contain around 1 g. Trace elements can be found in fruit. Anyone following a low-protein diet should consult a doctor or dietitian for advice first.
Importance of Exercise
Exercise is an important consideration for anyone on a low-protein diet, as resistance training can help with muscle loss. In 2004, researchers at Tufts University's Center on Aging in Boston, found those with chronic kidney disease and on low-protein diets benefited from regular resistance training. Total muscle fiber increased by 32 percent in those who exercised for 45 minutes three times a week, compared to those who didn't. Those who didn't lost around 3 percent of their body weight over the same period.