Difference Between Yogurt & Kefir
Yogurt is made with fermented dairy products. It is made by culturing fresh milk with bacteria that comes from a previous batch of yogurt. This culture usually contains three different types of live bacteria. The yogurt is then left to ferment in a warm environment for around 16 hours.
Kefir, like yogurt, is made with fermented dairy products. But instead of simple bacteria, kefir is made by culturing fresh milk with live kefir grains. Kefir grains consist of about 30 different types of bacteria and yeasts all bound together. Kefir, unlike yogurt, is fermented at room temperature for up to two days, and the kefir grains grow in number during the fermentation. They are then filtered out to make another batch.
Yogurt helps to add good bacteria to the intestines, but it is only a temporary benefit and requires constant eating of yogurt to maintain. The kefir microorganisms actually stay in your intestines where they help digestion and repel bad bacteria, helping to keep the colon healthy.