What Foods Are Good for Healing?

The University of Michigan Health and Integrative Medicine department recommends eating healing foods that are minimally processed and contain healthy fats (also called omega-3 fatty acids). Foods that contain these fats help the body heal by reducing inflammation and protecting cells. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that omega-3 fats can even lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and arthritis.
  1. Salmon

    • Grilled salmon usually takes 10 minutes to fully cook on both sides.

      Salmon helps heal the body by nourishing cells and lubricating joints with healthy fats. This type of fish contains high levels of omega-3 fats in addition to other nutrients such as vitamin A, K and minerals. Enjoy steamed, broiled or baked salmon for dinner. You can also chop up cooked salmon and add it to your salads so that you can get the benefit of eating salmon and dark leafy green vegetables. "Women's Health" magazine says that wild king salmon is the healthiest type of salmon you can eat. The magazine says to avoid buying farm-raised salmon because it may come from polluted waters.

    Green Bell Peppers

    • Chop up green bell peppers and add them to your salad.

      Green bell peppers also provide the body with nutrients that reduce inflammation in the body. The World's Healthiest Foods website says that green peppers contain high amounts of vitamin C, which helps boosts the immune system in addition to protecting cells. Oranges are are also high in vitamin C, but green peppers have even more vitamin C than oranges, as well as being low in fat and calories.


    • Eat one clove of garlic per day to promote healing.

      Garlic is another food that assists the body with the healing process. It contains anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, and while raw garlic hold the most potency, you still get some nutrients out of cooked garlic as well. Cut raw garlic in half to open up the pores of the vegetable. The allicin in the garlic becomes more potent when fresh garlic is cut. This is why the garlic has a strong smell. Garlic can rid the body of parasites in addition to boosting your immune system and maintaining good health.

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