What Are Good Sources of Vitamin B1?
Both yellow, red and green tomato varieties are high in vitamin B1. Tomatoes provide the body with an assortment of nutrients such as vitamin B1, vitamin K, minerals, vitamin C and a long list of other vitamins. The World's Healthiest Foods website says it's best to buy tomatoes when they are in season. Tomatoes are in season from July to September depending on where you live. Buy local organic tomatoes from farmers in your area for the best flavor.
Yellowfin Tuna
The World's Healthiest Foods website lists yellowfin tuna as a good source of vitamin B1. Yellowfin tuna tastes similar to other types of tuna. Enjoy yellowfin tuna sandwiches or salads at lunch or dinner. This type of fish is sold in your grocery store seafood department, but you can also buy canned yellowfin tuna or order it online. Bake or steam your fish to lock in the nutrients. This type of tuna is also very high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and other B vitamins.
Sunflower Seeds
Enjoy plain raw seeds or buy roasted sunflower seeds if you enjoy crunchy foods. The World's Healthiest Foods website also lists sunflower seeds as being high in vitamin B1. This nutrient-dense food is also a good source of omega-3 fats, minerals and other B vitamins as well. Sunflower seeds are high in calories, though, so limit your consumption. Eat these seeds in moderation by sprinkling them on salads or other baked dishes. Raw sunflower seeds are lower in calories than roasted because roasted seeds are cooked with oil.
Navy Beans
Nourish your body with navy beans. Navy beans are white beans that are rich in nutrients such as vitamin B1, iron, folate, fiber and protein. Combine navy beans with kidney beans and lentils in a pot of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes or until the beans are soft. Add cooked beans to your salad or other favorite dish. You can also buy canned navy beans that are already cooked. This food is well-rounded because it includes three essential nutrients needed for energy: protein, iron and vitamin B1.