Foods With Phytosterols
The Linus Pauling Institute outlines types of nuts that contain phytosterols. These nuts include: peanuts, almonds and macadamia nuts. In 1 ounce of peanuts there are 28 mg of phytosterols. Peanuts, almonds and macadamia nuts are also high in protein. These nuts are often served in desserts, and can be a eaten on their own as a snack. Nuts are healthier if served unsalted.
Some grain products that contain high amounts of phytosterols are rye bread, wheat bran and wheat germ. The Linus Pauling Institute indicates that wheat germ contains 197 mg of phytosterols for every 1/2 cup. These grain products are high in fiber, and rich in flavor. Wheat germ can be served as a topping on yogurt, or breakfast cereal. Wheat germ can also be added to pancake mix or muffin mix.
Oils containing phytosterols can be used in cooking. Some oils that contain high amounts of phytosterols are sesame oil and canola oil. The UC Davis Medical Center mentions that canola oil contains 92 mg of phytosterols per tablespoon. Canola oil is one of the least expensive cooking oils that can be purchased. Cooking with either canola oil or sesame oil is a healthier choice than cooking with butter.
According to the UC Davis Medical Center, Brussels sprouts contain 34 mg of phytosterols per 1/2 cup. Brussels sprouts are often buttered when served.