Gallstone Foods
Foods to Avoid
Stick to a diet high in fiber and low in animal fat. A vegetarian diet can be helpful, and studies have shown vegetarians have a lower risk of gallstones. Animal fats are at the top of the bad food list and include lamb, pork, beef, butter and full-fat milk. Most cheeses are best avoided, along with hydrogenated or trans fats, and oils including margarine. Anything deep-fried, including potato chips, is definitely off the menu, along with refined carbohydrates including cakes, cookies, white bread, pastries and pasta. Caffeine in the form of tea, coffee and soft drinks can stimulate gallbladder function, as can alcohol.
Foods to Eat
Eat plenty of high-fiber fruit and vegetables including spinach, broccoli, carrots, garlic, leafy greens such as Swiss chard and kale, apples, pears, bananas and soft summer fruits. Go for lean meats such as chicken breast, turkey or fresh fish including halibut, hake and cod.
Tofu is an excellent addition to any anti-gallstone diet, along with soy products such as edamame, beans and lentils. Whole grains also are good and may be in the form of whole-grain bread, pasta and brown rice. Salads can be dressed with any monounsaturated oils such as olive oil, avocado oil, or cold-pressed nut oils such as walnut or flaxseed. Avocado is a good source of dietary fat, as it is the monounsaturated variety. Yogurt and most fermented foods are also fine.
Balanced Diet
A balanced diet along with enough exercise is the best course of action for anyone who has gallstones or is trying to prevent them. Start the day with a whole-grain cereal and some fruit and yogurt, or a slice of whole-grain bread. Lunch can be a large salad with some lean meat, avocado, tuna or roasted vegetables with olive oil. Baked potatoes make a nice lunch or light dinner option, along with soups and broths, whole-wheat pasta with tomato sauce and vegetables or brown rice with chicken or fish.