List of Iron Foods
Beef is a good source of iron. There are two types of iron: heme and non-heme. The body absorbs heme iron, mostly found in animal foods, more efficiently. Because the deep red color of animal muscle comes from hemoglobin, the darker the meat, the higher the content of heme iron. According to the American Dietetic Association's "Complete Food and Nutrition Guide," a 3 oz. portion of beef contains between 2.5 and 2.9 mg of iron. The same amount of dark meat poultry provides 1.1 mg while white meat poultry offers 0.9 mg, as does 3 oz. of lean pork.
"The Complete Food and Nutrition Guide" states that 3 oz. of braised liver, which is redder than roast beef, will provide 5.6 mg of iron and is one of the best sources of heme iron. Chicken and pork liver is also a good source of iron.
Fish and Shellfish
Oysters provide more iron than liver and other meats. Shellfish is a better source of iron than other fish, with oysters coming in at the top of the list. The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that 3 oz. of oysters can provide as much as 13.2 mg of iron, which is more than liver. Clams will supply approximately 4.2 mg (per 2 oz.). Shrimp and sardines are also good choices, but salmon and white fish contain smaller amounts of iron.
Fruits and Vegetables
Green vegetables and foods from other plant sources contain non-heme iron. The body is less efficient at absorbing non-heme iron and this is where consuming foods rich in vitamin C at the same time can aid the process. Spinach and green beans are good sources of iron with boiled spinach providing 3.2 mg per half cup. Adding a squeeze of lemon to your leafy greens or stir-frying with some red peppers and zucchini will not only taste great, it will help boost your iron intake. Dried fruits such as prunes, raisins and apricots can provide iron in moderate amounts.
Fortified and Enriched Foods
Breakfast cereals are often enriched with iron. Today, many manufacturers enrich or fortify breakfast cereals, baked goods and bread with iron. Just one cup of fortified breakfast cereal can contain between 4.5 and 18 mg of iron, depending on the manufacturer. Check the label to see if iron has been added to the product.