List of Foods for Healthy Eating
Fruits and Vegetables
According to the USDA, when incorporated into your diet, fruits and vegetables may help prevent a whole slew of illnesses and diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases; stroke; type 2 diabetes; cancers, such as mouth, stomach and colon/rectum cancer; bone loss; kidney stones; and coronary heart disease. According to Nutrition Action, a health letter put out by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, watermelon and mango are some of the best fruits to eat due to their high levels of vitamin A and C. As for vegetables, they rank sweet potatoes highest due to their fiber, potassium, carotenoids and vitamin C. Following close behind are leafy greens, broccoli and butternut squash, all of which are full of nutrients and antioxidants.
Whole Grains, Nuts, and Seeds
The best grains to incorporate into your diet are whole grains, such as brown or wild rice, whole wheat couscous, all-natural oatmeal, and any other grain or pasta made with whole grain or whole wheat. Raw nuts and seeds, such as sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are a source of healthy fats. Among these grains and nuts, one of the best is a grain-like impostor called quinoa, which is actually a seed. In her article in the National Post, Jennifer Sygo reveals that quinoa, a seed with a grain-like appearance and texture, contains 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per cup. It also contains all of the essential amino acids, is gluten-free and contains a variety of vitamins such as the B vitamins, zinc, iron and magnesium.
Lean Proteins
According to the experts at Web MD, the healthiest proteins are the leanest ones, including white meat chicken and turkey; low-fat milk, cheeses and yogurts; eggs; pork tenderloin; beans; soy products; and lean beef. These proteins are low in saturated fat and calories and promote lean muscle tissue. Fish provides some of the best lean protein, and Nutrition Action ranked wild salmon number 5 on its list of top ten best foods for its omega-3 fats.