The Advantages of Eating Grapefruit
Weight Loss
The most publicized benefit of eating grapefruit is its ability to help those who consume it regularly to lose weight. Grapefruits contain a special enzyme that helps to break down fat and speed up metabolism. This particular property has been somewhat exploited, and "fad" diets based on eating only grapefruit for a single meal have been cropping up infrequently, despite reports that this type of dieting is unhealthy and causes other health problems.
Cancer Fighting Properties
Grapefruit has also been reported to reduce the risk and/or spread of certain cancers due to its high flavanoid content. Grapefruit also contains Monoterpenes, which aid in the prevention of cancers by ridding the body of carcinogenic materials. Grapefruit is also very good for post-menopausal women who are at risk for breast cancer, according to the British Journal of Cancer, as there is an enzyme that metabolizes excess estrogen in the body which can reduce the risk for those who are not on hormone therapy. Grapefruit also contains the phytonutrient limonoid, which can inhibit the formation of cancerous tumors with detoxifying properties.
Lowering Risk for Heart Disease
Grapefruit contains soluble fiber known as pectin, which has been shown in animals to reduce cholesterol levels and thin arterial buildup. In addition to thinning buildup in the arteries, grapefruit also reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. It is important to eat grapefruit in moderation if you are doing so for heart health, as grapefruit increases circulation and can be dangerous for those on certain medications or with pre-existing heart conditions.