Foods That Raise Your Energy Level
The Medical News Today website states that eggs improve strength and energy. Eggs are high in vitamin E, omega-3 fats, protein and B-vitamins along with several other nutrients. The University of Maryland medical center says that vitamin B6 in particular helps the body create energy by converting carbohydrates into fuel. Boil and peel your eggs and add them to your salad or turkey sandwich in addition to eating scrambled eggs for breakfast several times each week.
The World's Healthiest Foods website notes that spinach increases energy levels and fuels your body with calcium, potassium, iron and a long list of other vitamins. To get a daily dose of this healthy green, eat a spinach and tomato salad for lunch or add spinach to just about every meal throughout the day. Spinach leaves can be added to your turkey sandwich or a smoothie with a banana and strawberries. You can also steam spinach and have it as a side dish for dinner, but keep in mind that any type of cooking kills some of the vitamins and minerals.
Spirulina is a blue-green sea vegetable that also helps increase energy levels. This food is high in iron, iodine, B-vitamins and protein along with several other nutrients. Add spirulina powder to your favorite smoothie or sprinkle it on your salad. You can find spirulina at your local health food store.
Buffalo Meat
Buffalo meat is another energy boosting food because this meat is very high in B-vitamins, iron and protein. Buffalo is leaner than beef so it's much healthier for you as well. Eat buffalo spaghetti or have buffalo burgers during the week. Substitute buffalo for meat when cooking your favorite dishes.
Sprouted Grain Bread
Sprouted grain bread is high in energy-boosting B-vitamins and fiber. This type of bread is more expensive than traditional wheat or white bread, but sprouted bread is packed with more nutrition.