How Do I Eat High-Acidic Foods?
Plan your menus. Balancing acidic foods with alkaline ones is often a challenge at the grocery store, but some planning will solve that. Since most Americans eat too much acid, according to Advanced Health Plan, it might make sense to buy more foods that are bases, such as some citrus (lemons and limes) and spinach. It is also a good idea to have smaller, more frequent meals rather than two or three large ones. This will help prevent big surges of acidic digestive juices.
Buy alkaline foods. Whenever your menu includes acidic foods like liver, eggs, meat, beans or plums, make sure to balance them with plenty of spinach, soybeans or carrots. Buying lots of citrus fruits might do the trick. Contrary to popular belief, citrus fruits are not acidic, but are metabolized into bases by the body. Therefore, since the American diet is so acidic, it is always a good idea to stock up on citrus.
Avoid milk with meals. Another misconception is that milk is a base. It is by itself, but is not metabolized into a base by the body. It does nothing to lower the acid content of the body and can increase it, according to Health Castle.
Balance your diet. When eating acidic foods like most dairy, most wheat products or most fish, make sure to include things like mushrooms that can cut down on acid levels in the body. Include vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cucumber, iceberg lettuce or zucchini in all meals.
Avoid alcohol, or at least limit it. Alcohol is highly acidic (especially beer) and can increase the damage done by foods high in acid.
Take supplements that can control body acidity. If your diet is acidic, take supplements of calcium, potassium and/or magnesium to control acid. This cannot replace a diet that is high in alkalines, but it can help.