King Crab Nutritional Information
King crab is a lean protein source--one 3-oz. serving contains about 1 g of fat, most of which is the healthy, unsaturated kind. It contains a significant amount of potassium, which plays a role in heartbeat regulation and blood pressure control. Calcium is also found in king crab, though not in abundance.
The crustacean is naturally high in sodium, averaging about 300 mg in each ounce of meat. It also contains some dietary cholesterol which, when consumed in large quantities, can negatively impact blood cholesterol levels.
Steaming the crab is a healthy cooking method and helps it retain its natural sweetness. However, a common practice is to dip the meat into melted butter, which is high in artergy-clogging fats. Choose healthy accompaniments and king crab can be a beneficial addition to your diet.