List of Foods With High-Frutose Corn Syrup
Baked Goods
High-fructose corn syrup is used to keep bread moist. Check the label on that loaf of bread sold at the grocery store and you'll likely see high-fructose corn syrup listed as an ingredient--even in whole-grain bread, despite its being marketed as a healthy bread. Dinner rolls, muffins, cakes and cookies also contain high-fructose corn syrup. According to the Corn Refiners Association, it helps breads and other baked goods retain moisture and brown evenly during the baking process.
Even bran cereals can contain high-fructose corn syrup. When you eat cereal for breakfast, mornings start with a dose of high-fructose corn syrup. Not only does it sweeten popular packaged cereals---like Fruit Loops, Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies---it also helps bran cereals retain moisture, in much the same way it does for bread.
Sauces and Condiments
High-fructose corn syrup is used as a sweetening agent in ketchup. Condiments like ketchup, barbecue sauce and Worcester sauce get their sweetness from high-fructose corn syrup. For pre-made tomato-based sauces, the syrup balances out the tartness of the tomatoes. It also helps these products--and most canned goods--keep a long shelf life.
Salad Dressings
Pre-made salad dressings contain high-fructose corn syrup. Manufacturers use high-fructose corn syrup to enhance the flavor in pre-made salad dressings. Used as an oil substitute, it also reduces the fat content. For this reason, low-calorie or low-fat salad dressings tend to have more high fructose corn syrup than regular dressings.
Processed Meat
Bacon and other processed meats increase your risk for heart disease. High-fructose corn syrup acts as a sweetening agent in processed meats, in the same way it does for all processed foods. A May 2010 Harvard study published in the journal "Circulation," also linked meats laden with high-fructose corn syrup (bacon, deli ham, hot dogs, sausages) to belly fat and an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Flavored Yogurt
Yogurt is made from fermented milk. Plain yogurt fermented from whole milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin B and in some cases, protein. Flavored yogurt often contains an extra ingredient. High-fructose corn syrup is used to sweeten packaged yogurts---especially the low-fat variety sold in the dairy section at the grocery store.