GERD Friendly Diet
Fatty and greasy foods including fried foods, full-fat milk and dairy products and high-fat meats can all cause heartburn. Spicy foods, chocolate, peppermint and spearmint should also be avoided, as well as acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes.
Alcohol from wine, beer and spirits can all trigger GERD symptoms. Also problematic are carbonated beverages and caffeine found in coffee and tea. Acidic beverages like those made from citrus fruits can provoke acid reflux as well.
Other Factors
When you lie down, gravity causes contents in the stomach to pour into the esophagus. To avoid this, do not recline up to three hours after a meal. Also do not wear tight-fitting clothing as it puts unnecessary pressure on the body. Smoking cessation and weight loss are also conducive to managing GERD.