Emotional Effects of Energy Drinks
Energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine. Chang reports many are unaware that the FDA, while regulating how much caffeine goes into sodas, as of 2010 still does not regulate energy drinks. The substance causes irritability and can irritate the stomach lining, causes more acid production in the stomach, can cause frequent urination if you drink enough and it causes the brain's cortex to heighten the intensity of your mental activity. While caffeine does produce an energy rush--it also provides some individuals with the feeling of anxiousness or irritability.
Nervous emotions pair up with irritability. The same heightened senses caused by caffeine intake also cause nervousness. This, along with irritability can result from a lack of sleep, which also happens with the "high" energy drinks filled with sugar and caffeine produce.
Sleeplessness due to energy drinks is caused by the caffeine and sugar rush. Energy drinks loaded with caffeine cause the nervous system to go into overdrive. This often results in an inability to get into a deep, restful sleep, causing insomnia. Insomnia causes fatigue as well as irritability.
Short-term Boost
Though individuals ingest energy drinks to produce energy--the drinks often provide a short-term "high." The after effects of the caffeine and sugar wearing off may often prove to make you more sluggish than before you consumed the drink.
The emotional crash caused by the short-term boost wearing off can cause bouts of depression. Feelings of sadness, worthlessness, pessimism and overall fatigue may come after the rush wears off.