How to Estimate Serving Size
You can use two basic methods to estimate serving sizes. The one you choose should be the easiest for you to remember. Once you know how to estimate serving sizes, all you need is the willpower to eat only what you know you need.
Things You'll Need
- Typical serving size guide
Estimating Serving Sizes: The Standard Method
A poker chip represents the typical serving size for one tablespoon. Imagine a poker chip. The standard portion size guide uses a poker chip as a way of measuring about one tablespoon. The single poker chip represents one serving of foods such as mayonnaise, oils, olives and butter. Two poker chips represent the serving size of one cookie.
The baseball represents the 1-cup serving size for many foods. Now, visualize a baseball. This represents the standard 1-cup serving size of a variety of foods. These include 1-cup measurements for vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli and salads, and also popcorn, yogurt, cereal, pasta and soups and chili.
The light bulb represents a standard 1/2-cup serving. Think of a small light bulb. This is about the size of a 1/2-cup serving, the usual portion of grains such as rice and couscous, frozen yogurt or ice cream, and 1/2 cup of berries.
The golf ball measures approximately 1/4-cup serving. Now, think of a golf ball. This is standard for 1/4-cup servings, standard for nuts, such as pistachios and walnuts, or raisins or a serving of hummus.
A pencil is a handy reference for some foods. Visualize a pencil. The length of a new pencil is the standard by which to measure the single serving size of an ear of corn or a banana.
A deck of cards measures one 3-ounce portion of meat. Remember the size of a deck of cards, which is comparable to a single serving of meat--approximately 3 ounces.
A CD measures deli meat or one waffle. Think of a compact disc. A single CD-rom is the standard measurement for foods such as one waffle or 1 ounce of deli meat.
Estimating Serving Sizes: The Built-In Method
Use this for meats and other proteins. According to Tosca Reno, leading health enthusiast, fitness model and author of The Eat Clean Diet, everyone has a built-in serving size estimator in his or her hand. By looking at your hand, you can measure the serving that is right for your body for the basic food groups. For instance, a single serving of meat or protein can be measured by looking at the palm of your hand and eating the amount that would fit there.
Measure a serving of vegetables by cupping both hands together. The amount of vegetables that would fit in two hands cupped together is one serving. However, a serving size of fruit is equivalent to one piece (apples, bananas, oranges, etc.) or the amount of fruit that would fit in one cupped hand, such as berries.
Use one cupped hand to measure grains. A single serving of grains such as rice, pasta, quinoa, couscous, or barley can be measured this way. One serving of bread is approximately one slice.