Goji Juice Alternatives
Pomegranate Juice
The pomegranate fruit originates in Southwest Asia. Made from the vibrantly colored pomegranate seeds, this sweet and sour tasting juice packs in the vitamins and minerals. EurekAlert.org describes research presented at the 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association suggesting pomegranate juice consumption may slow the progression of prostate cancer. Inclusive health benefits of pomegranate juice benefits are still under research, however consensus that this beverage hosts high levels of vitamins is widely accepted.
Beetroot Juice
Beetroot was eaten in Roman times for its medicinal properties. Boasting a dense texture and what some describe as an acquired taste, you will find another nutritious alternative to goji juice in beetroot juice. Due to its bounty of nitrates, a 2009 University of Exeter study found that drinking beetroot juice can give bodily endurance a boost. The long accepted buzz has it that beetroot juice further hosts a wallop of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Apple Juice
Apples are a member of the rose family. When looking for a goji juice alternative, you may look no further than a fruit long known for its healthful properties. Drinking apple juice reduces risk factors of heart disease, as well as benefiting the brain. EurekAlert.org describes a 2006 University of Massachusetts Lowell study which indicates that drinking apple juice augments the production of brain neurotransmitters, resulting in improved memory. Apple juice advocates claim antioxidants contained in apple juice further benefit immune function, and prevent heart disease.
Acia Berry Juice
Comparatively new on the health juice scene comes a beverage made from a berry originally found in the Amazon. Complete health benefits of acai juice remain incomplete, however this thick and slightly bitter tasting juice reputedly contains a super dose of antioxidants alongside amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.