How Is NutraSweet Made?
NutraSweet is available in various granular and powder forms. While each form has its own spec sheet and balance of ingredients, the main ingredients in NutraSweet are phenylalanine and aspartic acid.
Raw Materials
Sugarcane plants are a common source of aspartic acid. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, aspartic acid (or asparaginic acid) is a nonessential amino acid found in sugarcane and molasses. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that phenylalanine is found in poultry, beef, eggs, fish, milk, cheese and yogurt.
The University of Maryland Medical Center states that PKU (or phenylketonuria) is a rare disorder found in people who lack the enzyme needed to process phenylalanine. In infants, PKU can cause severe mental retardation if not treated within the first few weeks of life. According to the center, people suffering from PKU must avoid foods that contain phenylalanine and may take tyrosine supplements. Newborns in the United States are tested for PKU within the first three days of life. People suffering from PKU must avoid aspartame.