How to Build Body Mass Fast
Eating every two to three hours will make sure you get all of your meals in each day. Time your meals. During a mass building phase, you must eat a lot---and often. Time your meals from the moment you get up to right before you go to bed, eating every two to three hours, says
Make sure what you're eating is clean, whole and healthy. This will prevent you from gaining excess body fat. Skip eating calorie-laden junk food, which will add mass to your frame in the form of fat, not muscle, says. Eat high-calorie clean foods, such as healthy fats and oils like nuts, avocados and olive oils, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy carbs. These foods will help promote the right kind of weight gain.
Make sure you're eating the right nutrients in the right amounts. Double up on your nutrients. To eat to build mass quickly, double all your portions to consume enough calories. To build mass, eat 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight, 2.5 g of carbs per pound of body weight and at least 75 g of fat total per day, says.
Supplements can help by providing you with some of the nutrients you need. Take shortcuts. If you're having trouble downing all the food to gain body mass as fast as you can, you can do to improvise. There are weight-gainer supplements on the market that come in the form of powders and are loaded with protein and carbs. Use them in shakes and drinks as a way to get all the nutrients necessary for mass-building without having to eat more food, according to "Muscle & Strength."
To avoid falling off the wagon during the week, set aside one day to have a cheat meal or two. Cheat a little. Although clean food is essential to building lean muscle while adding mass to your frame, a cheat day every week won't hurt you---it will help you, says Set aside one day where you have one or two meals of whatever you want. This will provide an outlet for your cravings so you don't give in to them every day.