Six-pack Ab Exercise Tips
Don't Obsess
Make sure you don't obsess over just getting a six pack instead of working all of your muscles equally. You don't want to be doing 100 crunches and only seven repetitions in other areas of your body. The result can be that you get six-pack abs but that the rest of your body looks funny because of the lack of muscle tone there. Also, women don't necessarily need the type of definition in their stomachs that men have because it is not natural. Women are born with higher levels of body fat than men have. If they force their bodies to have six packs, it can interrupt their menstrual cycle. So, go about crunches and other abdominal exercises without being too hard on yourself.
Your Posture Is Important
Pay close attention to your posture when you are exercising and just going about your day. By standing up straight, you automatically suck part of your stomach in, which can add to your muscle tone by working your transverse abdominal muscles. This can also help you hold your level of fitness because it serves as a reminder of the goal you are trying to reach. For instance, if you always clench your stomach for photos, you might be more likely to do crunches afterward.
Slow Down Post Partum
Lots of women just want their old bodies back after going through pregnancy and labor. As soon as they have their energy back, some of them hop over to the gym, hoping that a workout can make that happen. Don't go so fast, new mothers. You can do significant damage to your abdominal muscles if you rush your first workouts. For instance, doctors tell you not to work out for the first two to six weeks for a reason. You have gone nine months without working out your core, so doing a lot of crunches can damage your muscles. Try modified exercises that don't let your stomach muscles get too tight. Over time, you can get your body back to the way it was and begin working on a six pack. You can even hold your baby against your legs and do crunches up to her if you don't have a babysitter during workouts.