Breakfast Ideas for a Diet
Yogurt Parfait
In less than one minute, you can have a delicious breakfast that looks like it came from a restaurant and will not pack on the pounds. You can create your own yogurt parfait by placing the yogurt of your choice in a glass and topping with fresh fruit such as blueberries or raspberries and a handful of granola. The granola will provide energy and fill you up, while the yogurt is a good source of healthy dairy and you get to enjoy some fruit as well. You can also be creative with what you choose to sprinkle on top, such as cinnamon, nuts or a drop of sugar.
Egg Burrito
If you enjoy a protein-punch right when you wake up, make yourself an egg burrito or taco by scrambling up some eggs with a little bit of low-fat cheese and a lot of diced vegetables. You can eat this by itself or put it inside a taco shell or soft tortilla wrap and add salsa and lettuce for a nice crunch. In order to save on the fat content, skip the sour cream. Eating a hot meal will leave you feeling full and content until lunchtime.
Fruit Smoothie
Making a fruit smoothie is a refreshing and delicious way to start your morning, and you will feel more like you are having dessert than breakfast. You can include any fruits that are in season for a yummy shake that will provide a good portion of the day's recommended fruit quotient. In a blender, combine a few ice cubes with the fruit of your choice, such as strawberries, bananas, peaches, plums or anything else, and about half a cup of orange juice to give it a sweet taste. You can also add a low-fat yogurt to make it creamier or a spoonful of peanut butter to get in some protein.
Whole Wheat Waffles
If you think that you must have some grains in your meal in order to keep your hunger at bay, try taking a few extra minutes to prepare some whole wheat waffles for yourself. If you substitute whole wheat flour for the white flour in your favorite recipe and skim milk instead of a more fattening kind, you can turn your old recipe into a much healthier version. Try cutting down the amount of oil you use as well by frying them with a nonstick cooking spray. When it comes to topping the waffles, it goes without saying that you should skip any whipped cream or butter and you should substitute a commercially made pancake syrup for all-natural maple syrup. Load them up with berries and sliced peaches and sprinkle with cinnamon for a tasty treat that is good for you, too.