What Are the Benefits of a Plant-based Diet?
Combatting Obesity
Plant-based diets are low in saturated fat and help prevent obesity. When combined with an exercise program, plant-based diets bring weight within normal limits and keep it there. Making healthy choices such as limiting sugar, chemicals and salt also go a long way to controlling obesity. Vegetables, whole grains and fruits are the primary staples of a plant-based diet and contain high amounts of dietary fiber, which makes them very filling. Plant-based diets keep those who follow them full for hours, which helps eliminate the problem of overeating.
Fighting Cancer
Plant-based diets fight cancer because they are high in fiber, low in fat and rich in antioxidants, according to The Wellness Community. Plant-based diets are also rich in vitamin C and beta carotene, which help in the fight against cancer-causing agents. The Wellness Community says sruciferous vegetables such as broccoli may fight cancer because they contain a substance known as isothiocyanates, which help the body break down carcinogens. Lowering the risk for obesity is another important key in cancer development, as obesity increases the risk for some types of cancer. According to Veg Kitchen.com, plant-based diets that are high in fiber and low in fat reduce the risk of colon, breast and prostate cancer.
Preventing Disease
According to the American Dietetic Association, plant-based diets provide adequate nutrition and help prevent the development diseases. Areas of the world where plant-based diets are the norm have less disease and people live longer. Plant-based nutrition can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, and it can bring blood cholesterol levels within normal and healthy limits. Prevention of eye diseases and cataracts are an added benefits of this type of eating. Antioxidants in plant-based diets prevent retina deterioration. According to The Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine, plant-based diets have also been shown to reduce the formation of gallstones and kidney stones. Those who eat a traditional American diet consume a large portion of protein from animal sources, which can lead to the body excreting more calcium and uric acid. Both calcium and uric acid are present in kidney stones and gallstones.