How Do I Purchase Pure Coconut Water?
Young green coconuts contain a milky fluid inside, known as coconut water. Don't confuse this with coconut milk, made from the flesh of the coconut. Coconut water contains electrolytes, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. Harvest the coconut water by boring a hole into the coconut and extracting the liquid inside. Find green coconuts already prepared in the refrigerated section of your grocery or health food store.
Grocery and health food stores carry green coconuts (prepared) or fresh coconut water in the refrigerated section of the store to retain freshness. Look for nonrefrigerated coconut juice packaged in Tetra Paks in the health food section of a grocery store, in a health food store or through an online retailer. Specially treated, aseptic (free of bacteria) cartons, Tetra Paks preserve the freshness of the coconut water for up to one year without refrigeration.
A study published in the June 2007 issue of "The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health" found coconut water to be a more nutritional choice than typical sports drinks to treat dehydration after exercising, and better tolerated. It also helps lower "bad" cholesterol (LDL) levels--according to a study in the September 2006 issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Food"--as well as high blood pressure.