Diet for a Sensitive Intestinal Tract
Try the BRAT Diet
Some sensitivity could be caused by the lack of good bacteria in the intestines. The BRAT diet is based on bland and easily digestible foods. It was once one of the most popular diets prescribed by pediatricians for children with upset stomachs. "BRAT" is an acronym for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Eat these foods until the intestinal tract becomes less sensitive. This is not a long-term solution because this is not a balanced diet, but it will help the stomach to readjust. Yogurt also is a good food, as it adds protein and probiotics, which are the good bacteria that live in the intestines.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
Staying hydrated can ease symptoms. Water can help loosen constipation and prevent dehydration caused by diarrhea. Cramping can sometimes be a sign of dehydration, so getting enough fluids can help calm any cramps. Carbonated beverages can cause gas, which can increase intestinal discomfort, so avoid the bubbles. However, doctors do recommend clear, flat soda for upset stomachs. Remove the carbonation by stirring quickly with a straw or spoon.
Bring on the Mint
Tea has been included in the BRAT diet, with the acronym "BRATT" Peppermint naturally relaxes the muscles in the intestines. Mint tea is a great source of peppermint. Avoid sugar-free candies, since some sweeteners can cause bowel irritation.
Avoid Trigger Foods
Such highly acidic foods as citrus fruit can cause irritation. Some foods can set off intestinal discomfort. Avoid dairy, chocolate, alcohol, citrus fruits, caffeinated drinks such as coffee, rich desserts and fried or greasy foods. Spicy foods and raw fruits or vegetables also might cause discomfort.