Foods That Have Good Fat
If possible, buy free range or organic eggs produced without hormones. Eggs are high in good fat such as omega-3 and protein. This food is also high in other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B2, D, selenium and phosphorus. Eat scrambled eggs for breakfast or chop up hard-boiled eggs and sprinkle these on your salad.
Salmon is another rich source of omega-3-6-9 fatty acids. This type of fish is especially high in DHA, which is one of the most vital of the three omega-fats because it contributes to heart and brain health. These healthy fats also reduce inflammation and lubricate joints, which is beneficial for arthritis and other degenerative diseases.
Flax Seeds
Refrigerate flax seeds as soon as you open the bag because these seeds go rancid quickly. The World's Healthiest Foods website states that flax seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seeds nourish and feed the body with other nutrients as well such as b-vitamins and fiber. Fiber is essential because it flushes toxins out of the digestive tract and helps regulate bowel movements. Add flax seeds to your favorite chicken dinner or salad.
Spirulina is a blue-green sea alage that is loaded with omega-3 fats along with other vitamins and minerals. The taste is bitter so you might want to pour one scoop of spirulina powder into your blended smoothie. You can buy the raw alage or purchase this food in pill or powder form at the health food store.
Almonds are a rich source of healthy omega-3-6 fats. These nuts are also a rich source of calcium and other minerals. Almonds are high in calories, however, so limit yourself to 1/2 cup per day. You can eat almonds raw or add them to salads and other foods.