Facts About Lemon Juice
Nutritional Benefits
According to Nutrition Data, one cup of lemon juice provides 187 percent of the adult daily requirement of vitamin C, and 61 calories, the majority of which are from natural sugars. The website says that 1 cup of lemon juice contains 6 g sugar, 1 g protein, 1 g dietary fiber, 2 mg sodium and 21 g carbohydrates, plus trace amounts of vitamin A and calcium.
Lemon Juice in Cooking
Lemon juice can be used to prevent berries from graying in jam making. Because lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which quickly oxidizes, it should be added to dishes just before serving to retain its properties. Lemon juice also can be spritzed on cooked dishes to add new dimensions of flavor.
Lemon juice promotes sweating by regulating water balance in your body. It also aids in normalizing blood pressure and helps to block pain and ease aches. Lemon juice can be used to eliminate toxins and can prevent or relieve colds and coughs, according to HealthMad.
Health and Beauty
Since lemon juice is an astringent, it can be used to make facial masks and scrubs. According to Medline Plus, the salicyclic acid found in lemon juice makes it useful as a treatment for clearing and preventing skin blemishes. Lemon juice can also be mixed with water and used as a hair conditioner and lightener.