How to Purify Water With Javex Bleach

In emergency situations, bleach can be used to kill microbes and parasites in non-filtered or non-purified water. Boiling the water is the best method, but you can also use liquid Javex bleach to kill bacteria and make water drinkable. Follow these steps to make a 5 to 6 percent bleach solution and purify water safely:

Things You'll Need

  • Bleach
  • Measuring equipment
  • Clean storage container
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    • 1

      Let the contaminated water sit in a storage container. Loose particles will settle on the bottom of the container.

    • 2

      Filter the water through a coffee filter if it is especially cloudy; paper towels or cheese cloths will work as well.

    • 3

      Pour the water into a new container.

    • 4

      Add liquid, unscented bleach to the water per the following measurements: three drops of bleach per quart of water or eight drops of bleach (1/8 tsp.) per gallon of water or 1/2 tsp. bleach per 5 gallons of water.

      If the water is still cloudy, double the dosages.

    • 5

      Mix well and let it sit for 30 minutes. If the water was cloudy or very cold, let it sit for an hour.

    • 6

      Repeat the dose if the water does not have a slight chlorine odor. Let it sit 15 minutes.

    • 7

      Pour the sanitized water into a clean container.

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