How do I Increase Metabolism Naturally to Speed Fat Loss?
Although there are a variety of supplements on the market promising to increase metabolic rate for instant fat and weight loss, increasing your metabolism naturally is the most effective way to consistently and safely burn fat and lose weight. By incorporating these maintainable and simple steps into your daily life, your metabolism will be higher than ever, and it will not be just some quick fix.Things You'll Need
- Water
- Green tea
- Spices
Eat Clean. Rid your diet of all processed foods such as those containing white, bleached flours and refined sugars, which cause blood sugar and insulin levels to spike and then crash, wreaking havoc on your metabolism. Replace these with slow-digesting and fiber-filled carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables which take more energy to digest, thereby increasing your metabolic rate.
Eat often. According to the Eat Clean Diet, not eating enough or frequently enough slows down the metabolism. In order to increase your metabolic rate and burn fat, aim for six small meals per day, throughout the day, timed every two to three hours.
Add spice to your diet. There are a variety of spices that you can incorporate into your meals that have been shown through various studies to increase the metabolism such as cayenne pepper, black pepper, chili powder, cumin, mustard, turmeric, ginger and cinnamon (spice balance).
Drink water. Having at least 8 ounces of water per day is essential in keeping your body systems functioning at optimum performance. Water aids in digestion and flushes your system of toxins.
Drink green tea. A study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that subjects who ingested caffeinated green tea burned a greater number of calories compared to those who had only a placebo. The more calories you burn, the more fat you will lose.
Exercise. Lifting weights and performing cardiovascular exercises have both been show to have a positive effect on metabolic rate. Cardio increases your metabolic rate in the short-term, while resistance training through weight lifting will increase your metabolism in the long-term. One pound of muscle burns more than 17 times the number of calories at rest than a pound of fat does. By building muscles, you will naturally be increasing your metabolism and burning fat more quickly and effectively.