How do I Apply for the Oregon Trail Card?
Things You'll Need
- Photo ID
- Social Security card or alien status document
- Proof of income
- Proof of residency
- Proof of medical expenses
- Proof of child or spousal support paid
Determine whether you are eligible for the SNAP program. If you have Internet access, you can click on the "benefits estimator" on the Oregon SNAP website at to get an idea of your eligibility. You can also call or visit your local Self-Sufficiency office, part of the Department of Human Services, and ask for information. There is one in each county, which you can find through or by calling the SNAP program in Salem at 503-945-5600. You can also look in the phone book under Department of Human Services for your county's office location and phone number.
Acquire the application for services form in person or online. The form can be downloaded from the Oregon SNAP program website, under "how to apply for benefits." You can call the DHS state office in Salem at 503-945-5600 or email [email protected] to inquire about the form or to locate your county office. The local office will usually mail you a form if you phone for one.
Fill out the necessary parts of the form. The form covers several services. For food benefits, fill out pages 1-5, and sign page 14. The form can be filled out and submitted online or printed off, filled out by hand and mailed or delivered to your local Department of Human Services office.
Make an appointment with a social services worker or caseworker at the DHS office. You will be interviewed before a card is issued.
Bring the needed documents to the interview. You will need a photo ID, Social Security cards for your family and alien status documents if you are not a U.S. citizen. Have proof of income and of your home address. Include medical expenses for elderly or disabled household members, if that applies, and of any child support paid.