How Much Yogurt Do You Need?
Calcium is essential for healthy bones Yogurt is a good source of calcium for both lactose tolerant and lactose intolerant people. The article "The Influence of Chronic Yogurt Consumption on Immunity" points out that recent studies show that eating more yogurt can improve the digestion of lactose in lactose-intolerant individuals. For those who cannot digest milk, eating yogurt everyday is a good way to incorporate calcium into your diet naturally.
Immune System
Eating yogurt with live active cultures can improve the health of your immune system. According to the World's Healthiest Foods website, studies have shown that "a daily serving of probiotic-rich yogurt bolsters your body's ability to protect you from infection."
Eating yogurt on a regular basis can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) while raising good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. The study by E. Fabian called "Annal of Nutrition and Metabolism" concluded that eating 3 oz. of yogurt daily could significantly improve your cholesterol profile.