Foods Containing the Trace Mineral Nickel
Canned Foods
Canned foods have more nickel content than fresh foods. Examples include canned spaghetti, baked beans and canned vegetables and fruits. For people with a nickel allergy, it's best to make these foods from scratch and avoid the canned versions.
Vegetables that contain nickel traces include broccoli, peas, split peas, green beans, white beans, brown beans, lentils, leeks, spinach and sprouts.
Seeds and Nuts
There are several seeds and nuts that have trace levels of nickel, including sesame and sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts.
Fiber and Grain
Multigrain bread has nickel in it. Additionally oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat bran have trace amounts of this mineral.
Other Foods
Avoid raspberries, pineapples, figs and prunes if you have a nickel allergy, as well as shellfish, baking powder and licorice.