How Do I Gain Weight If One Doesn't Eat Meat?
Eating Strategies
Increase the amount of food you eat. Eat regularly to gain weight. Don't skip breakfast. Don't rush through meals. Eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere helps with the digestion process. If you tolerate wine, a glass with a meal will help with digestion, according to the Vegetarian Society.
Add a little good fat and sugar to the diet. Fat and sugar will help with weight gain. Fat is the highest source of energy from food. Examples of good fat additions include olive oil or coconut oil. These oils can be used to fry foods. Cream, butter, whole milk, cheese, avocados and olives can be added to the diet. If you are a vegan, cashew nut cream is a good substitute. Good sugars include fruit, honey and jam.
Add protein to your diet to gain weight. Protein is vital for immune function and repair. Examples of foods that provide protein that are not meat products include soy products, nuts, cereals, seeds, pumpkin, chick peas, yogurt, eggs and milk. Nut butters, such as hazel nut, are an excellent alternative to meat protein. Other foods that have protein derived from dairy include custards and puddings.
Add sauces made with butter, tofu or cream, as well as other rich foods to your diet. Eat ice cream or make fruit and vegetable blends as a drink. Add honey and nuts to the blend for even more energy rich foods.