How do I Donate Plasma in Memphis?
Make sure you meet the minimum requirements to donate plasma. Individuals must be 18 to 65 years old and weigh at least 110 lbs. They must also be healthy and pass a screening test.
Look in the phone book or online for a blood bank in Memphis that accepts plasma donations or buys plasma. Interstate Blood Bank has three Memphis locations. The American Red Cross does not have branches in Memphis directly; the nearest branch is one hour away in Jonesboro, Tennessee. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to see whether any are plasma donation events closer to Memphis are upcoming.
Call to schedule your appointment. If it's your first time giving plasma, you will need to leave at least two hours free for the process. Subsequent visits take 75 to 90 minutes; you'll be questioned about your health and medical treatment history. Interstate Blood Bank recommends staying hydrated and eating a healthy meal before you give plasma.
Show up on the appointed day. Fill out paperwork and meet with someone for your health screening. Once you're approved, a staff member will set you up in a room and take your plasma.