Household Items that Help Restore the Skin's Natural pH Balance
Drinking lots of water will help keep your system clean and working well. Also, water has alkaline features in it. When something is alkaline, it will neutralize the acid in your body. Acid is what causes a person's pH level to rise. Drinking water can help lower your pH levels.
Lemons, while acidic, break down in our bodies to become alkaline. Eating citrus fruits will help lower your pH levels as well. Lemons can be used on many different foods. For example, squeeze lemon juice into your water for a double amount of alkaline substances. Squeeze lemon juice onto your salads as a dressing. Even freshly squeezed lemonade can help your body balance its pH levels. However, use real sugar in the lemonade. Artificial sugars have an acidic effect on the body.
Raw, uncooked almonds are a healthy way to help balance the pH in your skin. If you soak raw almonds in water a day ahead of time, they will begin to germinate, which means they release more nutrients within themselves. Eating them in this condition adds even more nutrients and helps your skin's pH balance. As soon as you take some out, put more in so they are ready to eat the next day.
Garlic is recommended for a variety of ailments, and pH balance is one of them. If you eat a raw clove of garlic every day, your skin will look and be healthier. You do not have to eat it all at once. You can cut it up and add it to your food throughout the day. Adding it to a salad is a double dose of alkaline substances.
Raw vegetables, like spinach and sprouts, should be added to your salad or sandwiches because they are alkaline-forming foods as well. If they are cooked, they lose some of the nutrients. Eating them raw is the best method.
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