Natural Fat Burners That Can Be Easily Prepared at Home
Unsaturated fats
According to Robert Kennedy, author of "Oxygen: Ultimate Beach Body Q & A," the human body is designed to store fat. To lose it, you must trick your body. Kennedy says that one way to trick your body into releasing fat is to eat foods that contain unsaturated fat. Natural fat burners like avocado, salmon, tuna, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, along with flax, soybean, corn, sunflower and olive oils are all high in unsaturated fats. Kennedy says that when you eat unsaturated fats "the body realizes it doesn't need to store fat and starts making existing fat stores more readily available as an energy source."
Adding peppers to a meal not only brings flavor and spice; they are healthy for you. On, Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University, says you've got to trick your body. He says that plants containing bio-active capsaicin double energy expenditure. Red peppers, jalapenos, tabasco, habaneros, and cayenne all have capsaicin. According to Dr. Oz, peppers give your metabolism a boost that will have your body burning fat even after you eat.
Coffee and green tea, minus the add-ins, are natural fat burners. Dr. Oz says "coffee is a stimulant that contains caffeine." He explains that coffee increases energy disbursements and speeds metabolism. Green tea provides more benefits than coffee. According to Dr. Oz, green tea contains compounds called phenols. These compounds provide thermogenic properties beyond that of coffee. When you drink it, you expend more energy.
Beans have a superb protein and fiber combination. They can help keep your blood sugar low and balanced. Having unsteady blood sugar levels causes your body to store fat. John Foreyt, author of the book "Change One: The Diet & Fitness Plan," writes that "eating beans will help you feel full longer and sidestep blood sugar swings that lead to ravenous slipups at the soda machine or snack bar."