Sources of Meat-Free Protein
Dairy Products
Add some protein to your diet with some low-fat yogurt. compiled a top ten list of foods high in protein. Although food like salmon, chicken and tuna top the list, dairy products also make the top ten. Milk, yogurt and cottage cheese are all listed as being good sources of protein. According to the USDA, 3 ounces of lean meat has about 25 grams of protein. In comparison, a cup of yogurt or milk has around 8 grams. A half cup of cottage cheese has about 15 grams. Adding a glass of milk or eating yogurt or cottage cheese for dessert is an easy way to increase your daily intake of protein.
It is no secret that eggs are a good source of protein. One large egg has around 7 grams of protein. Eggs are a common food in most diets. Try eating a boiled egg for breakfast or simply add some hard-boiled slices to a salad to boost your protein intake.
A handful of nuts will boost your protein intake. Nuts are not the most common food item in most diets, but they do have their benefits. Nuts like almonds, peanuts and cashews are all great sources of protein. According to, 1/4 cup of almonds has 8 grams of protein, 1/4 cup of peanuts has 9 grams and 1/4 cup of cashews has 5 grams. Even 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter has 8 grams of protein. However, do keep in mind that nuts also are a source of fat and should not be eaten in large amounts.
Protein Supplement
Although there are many high protein foods that can be added to nearly anyone's diet, there is also a large range of protein products specifically designed for the bodybuilding community. These products include powders, shakes and bars. Check out for a more complete list of the many protein supplement products available.