How Do I Cook Light Super-Fast Suppers?
Things You'll Need
- Protein (fish, chicken or turkey)
- Seasonings
- Whole-grain serving (bread, rice, or pasta)
- Vegetables
- Broiling pan
- Microwave container
- Pot
Pick your protein. Some of the best light protein choices are fish, turkey or chicken. Season your protein thoroughly with herbs, citrus juice and pepper and use salt sparingly. Preheat your oven broiler. Once the oven is ready, place your protein on a broiler pan and cook for 5 to 6 minutes per side. Once the meat is done cooking, set it aside and let the juices distribute for a couple of minutes before serving. Another option is to buy precooked chicken, turkey or fish. In this case, all you have to do is heat up the protein in the microwave, allowing you to create a super-fast supper.
Choose a whole-grain carbohydrate. Whole grains are healthier than refined grains because they contain more nutrients and fiber. Pick whole grains like bread rolls to save time. Or you can quickly boil some whole-wheat pasta or brown rice for 10 to 12 minutes to get your serving of healthy carbohydrates. Add some tomato sauce to your pasta for a light side dish.
Pick your vegetables. Buying frozen vegetables is a great way to cook a super-fast supper but there are plenty of fresh vegetables that don't require a lot of time to prepare. If you're cooking frozen vegetables, cook them in the microwave or in a pan on the stove according to the package instructions. You shouldn't have to spend more than 10 minutes cooking them. Or you can make a fresh salad with chopped tomatoes, carrots or cucumbers and add 1 tbsp. of olive oil, 1 tsp. of vinegar and some salt and pepper. Olive oil is a light salad dressing option that contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
Combine your protein, carbohydrate and vegetables onto one plate. Serve your supper with a glass of water for a super-fast, light and healthy supper.