Nutritionists & Acid Reflux Disease
It is no surprise that diet influences overall health. Many serious health problems arise from certain foods. One of the most common health problems people face that may be directly associated with diet is the condition known as acid reflux disease.-
Acid Reflux
The constant, nagging symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, stomach aches and discomfort are all part of the acid reflux package. Acid reflux is caused by a malfunction of an organ called the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. When the LES fails to close all the way after food passes through it, or it opens too frequently, stomach acid moves up into the esophagus. This is what causes the chest pain and other symptoms associated with acid reflux. Health professionals say if this happens more than twice a week, the condition becomes known as acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.
Dietary Factors
Health professionals and nutritionists have found that nutritional habits can have a major impact on acid reflux. How food is consumed may also impact how it digests. For example, it is important not to overeat and also to chew food properly so the digestive system can function normally. There have been links found between acid reflux and certain foods as well. Consuming sugary, fried, high-fat and spicy foods all cause acid reflux symptoms to worsen. Carbonated beverages, alcohol and caffeine have also been shown to contribute to these symptoms.
Other Causes
Anti-inflammatory drugs are intended to relax muscles, but oftentimes they upset the stomach and can contribute to acid reflux. Other common triggers are pregnancy, smoking, obesity, lying down after consuming a meal and sometimes even exercise can cause it when abdominal cavity pressure is increased.
Medications such as antacids, Prilosec, Maalox and Pepcid are readily available and all help relieve symptoms of acid reflux. Eating smaller meals, several times a day can also help ease symptoms. Diets high in vegetables and non-acidic fruits will also help maintain a proper pH balance in the digestive tract and relieve symptoms as well.