Alternatives to Power Drinks for Athletes
This may surprise you, but water can give you more energy than sports drinks. Sometimes, when you are tired and craving energy, your body is actually asking for water; you may be dehydrated. The next time you're feeling drained, reach for your water bottle; this drink has no calories, no sodium, and no sugar.
You may feel tired if your blood sugar levels are down. Juice, which has natural sugar, can give you a boost of energy, and you'll get vitamins too. Try orange or pineapple juices; they'll go down easily because of their yummy flavors.
Both green and black teas are heavily caffeinated, but still have less caffeine than most energy drinks. These teas are also full of antioxidants, and jump-start your metabolism, aiding in weight loss. You can brew the tea at home, refrigerate it, carry it in a water bottle, and drink it when you need a pick-me-up.
Chocolate milk can refuel your exhausted muscles after exercise. Since milk contains calcium, you'll build your bones too. This is a useful drink if you need energy to begin a second workout.
High-fiber crackers can give you a lift. If you're tired, your body may be asking for a snack. While our first inclination may be to grab something liquid, packing a small snack---something whole grain with protein---may get the job done. Try peanut butter on whole grain bread or crackers with hummus.