Nutrition Consultant Certification
The AFPA offers a six-month self-study course that teaches in-depth information about macromolecules, vitamins, alcohol, weight management and international dietary guidelines. In addition, heavy emphasis is placed on learning consulting skills. The class covers counseling skills, dietary assessment, goal setting and helping make behavioral changes. Course materials can be ordered through the AFPA website. The cost was $395.00, as of July 2010, including two textbooks, four CDs, a CD-ROM and a certification examination. A minimum age of 18 is eligible for certification.
The AFPA also grants certifications in sports nutrition consulting. This program is very similar to the nutrition and wellness certification, but is specific to the nutritional needs of athletes. Sports nutrition consultants learn the best foods to consume prior to exercise, dietary supplements, electrolyte balance and antioxidants. The consulting portion of the class is similar to the consulting information that AFPA nutrition and wellness consultants learn. The course materials cost $370.00, including two textbooks, a DVD and a certification examination. Previous certification in nutrition and wellness consulting is required.
Weight Management
The ACE offers a lifestyle and weight management consultant certification. To be eligible to complete this self-study course, a minimum age of 18 is required. It is also necessary to be certified in CPR/AED and either be a certified personal trainer or have obtained a bachelor's degree in an exercise-related field. Lifestyle and weight management consultants learn about the physiological and biomechanical aspects of weight loss, in addition to techniques for healthy weight control and nutrition counseling. Study materials are available through the ACE website; prices will vary depending on knowledge level. The consultant exam must be taken in an ACE-proctored location; the fee is $249.00.
Health & Fitness
To be eligible to take the ACE advanced health & fitness specialist certification course, a minimum age of 18 is again required. Also, it is necessary to also be either a personal trainer or have a bachelor's degree in exercise science and have current CPR/AED certifications. In addition, you must have at least 300 hours of experience designing exercise programs for both the healthy and high-risk. This course covers topics related to nutrition and exercise techniques for individuals with health issues, the elderly and pre- and post-natal women. The cost and type of study materials vary; the examination fee is $249.00 and must be taken at an ACE-proctored location.
Many job opportunities exist for anyone completing a nutrition consultant certification. Some choose to set up their own web or office-based consulting companies, while others continue their education and become registered dieticians. Fitness facilities, such as gyms or hospital rehabilitation centers, hire consultants to increase patient awareness of healthy eating habits.