Ammonium Lactate & Pimples
Ammonium Lactate for Treatment of Pimples
One of the major effects that ammonium lactate has on the skin is to combat pimples and eczema. These bulbous outgrowths on the face commonly afflict teenagers all over the world. In fact, pimples can grow on the skin at any time in your life. The root cause behind pimples is yet unknown but the methods to cure and control their occurrence are well identified. Prime among the various cures is the use of ammonium lactate.
Use of Ammonium Lactate on Skin
One explanation behind the cause of pimples is that skin, when left dry for too long can irritate it, which in turn leads to pores on the surface of the skin to collapse onto itself. This is very common on facial skin. Going by this explanation, it stands to reason that keeping the face and exposed areas moisturized should effectively combat acne. This is where ammonium lactate appears. Amlactin is also an excellent moisturizing solution.
Necessary Precautions while Using Ammonium Lactate
Although ammonium lactate is a great cure for acne and pimples, using it more than the prescribed number of times can cause problems like irritation, rashes and skin allergies. Moreover, the areas where you apply amlactin should be protected from UV rays with the use of a topical sunscreen lotion. Here a sunscreen lotion with a SPF 15 is the minimum that is required. Otherwise, UV rays will cause unwanted reactions in the amlactin solution and lead to many more skin issues than it would solve.
People who Should Avoid Ammonium Lactate
Amlactin should also not be used by pregnant women, as regular use can percolate ammonium lactate in the body of the mother and poison the growing baby in the mother’s womb. Moreover, a lactating mother should also avoid amlactin for pimple control as it can mix with breast milk and poison the baby. Amlactin, when applied to sunburned skin, will further irritate the area and cause severe reactions and hence should be avoided on burned areas.
Advantages of Ammonium Lactate
If used regularly keeping all the above precautions in mind, ammonium lactate should at least control acne issues, if not completely cure them. Studies have shown that when amlactin is applied twice a day regularly, the occurrence of acne and eczema reduce by over 50 percent on average. Moreover, the other advantages of ammonium lactate are reason enough to start using it. Whether it cures acne completely or not, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to your skin.